Introduction to 492 and Decoupling

We provide the introduction to CSCE 492, and then go on to talk about decoupling. The decoupling slides are based on

1 492 Introduction

1.1 What You Need To Do

1.2 Course Focus

2 What is Software Engineering?

bird house
sears tower

3 The Challenge

3.1 Complexity

4 Why Software Engineering?

4.1 Software is Still Buggy

4.2 Software Can Kill

4.3 This is a Problem

"The demand for software has grown far faster than our ability to produce it. Furthermore,the Nation needs software that is far more usable,reliable,and powerful than what is being produced today. We have become dangerously dependent on large software systems whose behavior is not well understood and which often fail in unpredicted ways."
Information Technology Research:Investing in Our Future. [8] President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) Report to the President, February 24, 1999.

5 Decoupling

6 Decomposition

6.1 Top-Down Design: Bad

6.2 Horizontal Design: Good

7 Dependence Relations


7.1 Uses Diagram Shapes

7.2 Uses for Uses Diagrams

7.3 Specifications


7.4 Specification Advantages

7.5 Weak Dependencies

8 Decoupling Techniques

8.1 Facade

8.2 Hiding Representation

8.3 Polymorphism

8.4 Callbacks

8.5 Shared Constraints

9 Namespaces

9.1 Access Control

10 Safe Languages

11 Decoupling Example

11.1 Solution 2

11.2 Solution 3

11.3 Solution 4


  1. Introduction,
  2. Decoupling,
  3. Decoupling II,
  4. Joel On Software article on Schedules,
  5. Amazon page on the Mythical Man-Month,
  6. The paper on the Therac-25 accidents,
  7. FDA's statement on radiation overexposures in Panama,
  8. PITAC Report to the President,

This talk available at
Copyright © 2009 José M. Vidal . All rights reserved.

12 January 2005, 02:21PM