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Title: Programs with Common Sense
Author: John McCarthy
Book Tittle: Proceedings of the Teddington Conference on the Mechanization of Thought Processes
Pages: 75--91
Publisher: Her Majesty's Stationary Office
Year: 1959
Abstract: This paper will discuss programs to manipulate in a suitable formal language (most likely a part of the predicate calculus) common instrumental statements. The basic program will draw immediate conclusions from a list of premises. These conclusions will be either declarative or imperative sentences. When an imperative sentence is deduced the program takes a corresponding action. These actions may include printing sentences, moving sentences on lists, and reinitiating the basic deduction process on these lists.

Cited by 812  -  Google Scholar

@InProceedings{ mccarthy59a,
  author =	 {John McCarthy},
  title =	 {Programs with Common Sense},
  booktitle =	 {Proceedings of the {T}eddington Conference on the
                  Mechanization of Thought Processes},
  publisher =	 {Her Majesty's Stationary Office},
  address =	 {London},
  pages =	 {75--91},
  year =	 1959,
  cluster = 	 {12020371806180023183},
  abstract =	 {This paper will discuss programs to manipulate in a
                  suitable formal language (most likely a part of the
                  predicate calculus) common instrumental
                  statements. The basic program will draw immediate
                  conclusions from a list of premises. These
                  conclusions will be either declarative or imperative
                  sentences. When an imperative sentence is deduced
                  the program takes a corresponding action. These
                  actions may include printing sentences, moving
                  sentences on lists, and reinitiating the basic
                  deduction process on these lists.},
  url =		 {},
  comment =	 {Probably the first paper on logical AI, i.e. AI in
                  which logic is the method of representing
                  information in computer memory and not just the
                  subject matter of the program. The paper was given
                  in the Teddington Conference on the Mechanization of
                  Thought Processes in December 1958 and printed in
                  the proceedings of that conference. It may also be
                  the first paper to propose common sense reasoning
                  ability as the key to AI.},
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:13:20 EST 2011