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Title: Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future
Author: Colin F Camerer and George Lowenstein
Book Tittle: Advances in Behavioral Economics
Pages: 3--51
Year: 2003
Crossref: camerer03a
Abstract: Behavioral economics increases the explanatory power of economics by providing it with more realistic psychological foundations. This book consists of representative recent articles in behavioral economics. Chapter 1 is intended to provide an introduction to the approach and methods of behavioral economics, and to some of its major findings, applications, and promising new directions. It also seeks to fill some unavoidable gaps in the chapters' coverage of topics.

Cited by 45  -  Google Scholar

  author =	 {Colin F Camerer and George Lowenstein},
  title =	 {Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future},
  booktitle =	 {Advances in Behavioral Economics},
  crossref =	 {camerer03a},
  pages =	 {3--51},
  year =	 2003,
  chapter =	 1,
  abstract =	 {Behavioral economics increases the explanatory power
                  of economics by providing it with more realistic
                  psychological foundations. This book consists of
                  representative recent articles in behavioral
                  economics. Chapter 1 is intended to provide an
                  introduction to the approach and methods of
                  behavioral economics, and to some of its major
                  findings, applications, and promising new
                  directions. It also seeks to fill some unavoidable
                  gaps in the chapters' coverage of topics.},
  keywords =     {economics},
  googleid = 	 {},
  url =		 {},
  cluster = 	 {2429302798630831479}
Last modified: Wed Mar 9 10:16:03 EST 2011