- Hypertext Bibliography Project- Computer Science journals
- Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies- BibTeX entries of references from journal articles, conference papers and technical reports from more than a thousand computer science-related bibliographies.
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography- Digital Bibliography & Library Project provides bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.
- HCI Bibliography- Gary Perlman's online bibliography on human-computer interaction.
- UCSTRI- Unified Computer Science TR Index
- Computers and Copyrights: Bibliography- primarily covers United States copyright law up to 1997.
- Pointers to Linear Logic Papers- includes linear logic semantics, proof theory, complexity, and expressiveness. Linear logic was developed by J.Y.Girard as part of his investigation into the semantics of Intuitionistic Logic
- A Design Bibliography- picks by Alan Cooper on usability and interface design from an architectural perspective.
- DBLP Bibliography- Digital Bibliography & Library Project (US mirror at
- Interaction Design Bibliography- includes interface design, information design, multimedia, visual design, etc.
- User Interface Engineering -- User Interface Design Bibliography- an annotated bibliography.
- Index of Crypto Papers Online- by Bruce Schneier at Counterpane systems.
- Elliptic Curves and Cryptology bibliography- a cryptographic bibligraphy primarliy focused on elliptic curves.
- SIGGRAPH Bibliography Database Search- references to publications in the computer graphics literature.
- Bibliography for Computational Probability and Statistics- related to computational statistics and probability useful in probabilistic modeling processes.
- Cryptographic protocols related papers- largely covers security protocols with links to full text online. Last updated 1996.
- The Tavani Bibliography of Computing, Ethics, and Social Responsibility- covers professional issues in computing. It was originally used in a computer ethics course and then was broadened in topic.
- Bibliographies of Speech Conferences- various scientific conferences related to speech recognition.